We are all just walking each other home. - Ram Dass

Grief Support Group

  • Say the word “family,” and all sorts of images come to mind. Regardless of the makeup of your family, you may be taken by surprise by how the death of a loved one affects it. Often, families struggle with some common challenges that can stir up conflict.

  • The death of a loved one creates many changes for family members and friends, but especially for caregivers. For weeks, months, or even years, life has been focused on meeting the everyday needs of your loved one. Life is suddenly different as the focus is now forever changed.

  • Dealing with change after the death of a loved one can be a struggle like nothing one has ever faced before. Often the loss can have us feeling overwhelmed, confused, and grief-stricken. Read more and also find information on upcoming support groups.

  • The holiday season is filled with activities and expectations which can trigger powerful reminders of your lost loved one. It can be an incredibly challenging and emotional time for those grieving during the holidays.