We are all just walking each other home. - Ram Dass

We are celebrating our third Thanksgiving at the Aroostook House of Comfort, and we have much to be thankful for! The staff and volunteers at the Aroostook House of Comfort would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

The Aroostook House of Comfort will be airing a thirty-second tv ad for the next five weeks featuring staff, board members, and a family member's testimonial. Thank you to all those who participated in the production of this commercial!

The Aroostook House of Comfort would like to ensure that our patients, volunteers, staff, and community are safe from Covid-19. We are taking every precaution within our facility to avoid exposure and take preventive actions daily to stop the virus’s spread. We are following the guidelines issued by the CDC to help minimize any potential health risks.

Nancy Cronkite has served on the AHOC Board since the founding meeting. Her experiences with hospice care while at TAMC and assisting in her mother's end-of-life care have helped the Aroostook House of Comfort to provide quality, compassionate hospice care in Aroostook County.

In the last few months, businesses and families have been through a great deal coping with Covid-19 and yet there are still many unknowns. After consideration, our board voted that it would be in everyone’s best interest to reschedule the Aroostook House of Comfort Golf Classic 2020 for June 19, 2021.